Handsome Shadow by Fellow von          Brutus Bärentraum                         &                     Black Velvet Perlito Santo von         den Schwarzwald-Bären          

two boys to fall in love with!

Hello ladies, We are Handsome Shadow by Fellow from Brutus Bärentraum and Black Velvet Perlito Santo from the Schwarzwaldbären and we are two true gentlemen who know how to treat a lady bear. We live in Herzogenrath near Aachen together with the two most important and dearest two-legged friends that Bear could only wish for. Our Jutta and our Helmut. Our family also includes our very best friend, our Yoshi. Without him nothing works. If you like, you can get to know us and our people on the next pages. Have fun Shadow, Perlito, Yoshi as well as Jutta and Helmut Radermacher

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Jutta u. Helmut Radermacher

Telefon +49 17777 17488 oder +49 152 09805345

Friedrichstr. 3 

52134 Herzogenrath / Germany
